Section: Dissemination

Invited talks

  • Bruno Barras has given a talk at the Gallium seminar (May) in Rocquencourt entitled “Formalisation d'un modèle ensembliste du Calcul des Constructions Inductives”.

  • Alexis Bernaded has given a talk entitled “A simple presentation of the effective Topos” at the Rencontres Chocola ENS Lyon in December 2011.

  • Gilles Dowek has participated to the Congress of Logic methodology and Philosophy of Science, where he has given two invited talks, one in the Workshop Analysing programs entitled “Logic to the rescue” and another in the workshop entitled “The meaning of axioms”.

  • Gilles Dowek has participated to the congress DIDAPRO where he has given an invited talk.

  • Gilles Dowek has participated to the Ideals of Proof Workshop "Logic, Proof, and Computation" in Notre Dame University where he has given an invited talk.

  • Chantal Keller has given talk at the Z3 Special Interest Group Meeting 2011 on the cooperation between SMT solvers and the Coq proof assistant.

  • Chantal Keller has given a talk at the Deducteam seminar on the encoding of HOL-Light proofs in Coq.

  • Chantal Keller has given a talk at the INRIA Microsoft Research Joint Centre seminar on the cooperation between SMT solvers and the Coq proof assistant.

  • Assia Mahboubi gave a talk at the GGJJ conference in the honor of Gerard Berry and Jean-Jacques Lévy in February 2011 entitled “A formal proof of the Feit-Thompson Theorem”.

  • Assia Mahboubi gave a talk at the Microsoft Research - Inria Forum in April 2011 presenting the Mathematical Component team.

  • Assia Mahboubi gave a talk at the PPS (Paris 7 University) seminar in July 2011 entitled “Constructive quantifier elimination for real numbers and complex numbers, in a proof assistant”.